
Robot Royale Board Game

Created by East Street Games

This is the Robot Royale backer kit to enable you to purchase additional add-ons, pay for postage and finalise your orders.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

48 Hour Update, New Pledges and Stretch Goals!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 01:30:51 AM

Robot Royale has been live for 48 hours and we have already received over £2,000 of our £5,000 funding goal! We are so pleased with the response and support you have all given us, so thank you to everyone who has backed the project so far. Let's keep the momentum going so make sure to share the project with others, encourage them to support us too and we'll be funded in no time!

Speaking of sharing, we are constantly reviewing our project to see what we can do to improve Robot Royale for our backers, and their whole experience supporting our Kickstarter. So we are pleased to announce that today we will be implementing new Pledges and Stretch Goals!

'Painted Player!' Pledge

Due to the popularity of our higher pledge levels (3 'Star Player!' and the 'Champion!' pledges have already been snapped up!) it's clear to us that backers want not only the game but more too! The 'Painted Player!' pledge offers backers of £65 or more both a boxed game of Robot Royale and an additional set of detailed, hand painted miniatures for use in play or as display! This pledge will only be limited to 10 copies so if you are considering pledging at this level then don't delay. We will have sample pictures of our painting standard up soon but rest assured we pride ourself on our quality!

If you have already backed Robot Royale and want to upgrade your pledge then you may cancel your current pledge and pledge at the 'Painted Pledge' level so we can manage the limited number of these pledges.

Social Stretch Goal #1

We have seen a huge number of new likes on our Facebook Page and Twitter since attending the UK Games Expo and launching on Kickstarter so we thought that we would reward our backers when we hit some milestones! Your first reward is unlocked when we reach 1,000 combined Likes and Follows on Facebook and Twitter, at which point we will release a high quality version of the Robot Royaleartwork to be used as a wallpaper. Once that is unlocked we will announce new goals and better rewards, so the faster we reach this goal the sooner we can announce the next reward!

If you have already backed and not followed us on social media then you are missing out on more great content, so click the links below and share our pages with others to unlock more rewards!

We will be back with further updates as the project progresses!

Many thanks,

Scott and the East Street Games Team.

Update #2: Reviews and Gameplay Videos
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 01:30:41 AM

As I write this we are only a few backers away from reaching 60% funding and about 30 fans away from our social stretch goal which will reward all backers with a Print & Play copy of Robot Royale following funding and a digital wallpaper! We're making good progress so make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and share our Kickstarter Page to get us funded and help us hit those stretch goals!

Our preview copies of Robot Royale have made their way to reviewers and select stores and so we have some reviews and videos to share. From innovative 360 degree views of a game in progress to the East Street team taking on live contestants, we've got it all! You can see them all here:

Facebook Review: Board's Eye View

Twitch Let's Play: Monkeys With Fire

 YouTube Gameplay: Steve Perry Miniatures

Exciting New Add-on and Introduction Video!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 01:30:06 AM

Exciting New Add-on!

Probably the most common question we've been asked by players of Robot Royale is:

'Will the board be 3D?'

The boxed game contains 2D tiles so we could keep it affordable for backers, but we wanted a 3D board just as much as you, so we found a solution:

Introducing the 3D Deluxe Gameboard!

Working in conjunction with Dark Ops Wargaming Terrain we have created a 3D Laser Etched MDF board to add a new level of play to your games of Robot Royale!

Boasting such features as rotating and removable tiles, battle-damaged walls, recessed trap doors for fallen floor tokens and an integrated score tracker for each player this add-on creates the ultimate Robot Royale experience!

Adding the 3D Deluxe Gameboard to your pledge is as easy as increasing your pledge by only £40 and following the project's ending you can select your add-ons in the pledge manager. You can also add an additional copy of Robot Royale for £25.

Don't miss out on this chance to be the envy of other gamers with the Deluxe Gameboard, add it to your pledge today!

New Introduction Video

We've added a quick video designed to briefly explain Robot Royale to new players, so if you know anyone who might be interested in knowing more then please share it with them!

We have one week left before funding closes so make sure to share the project with friends and family, pledge for the Multiplayer pledge with your gaming group or upgrade your pledge to include add-ons. We are already over two thirds funded and so close we can taste the oil!

Thank you for your support and we'll be back with another update soon,

Scott and the East Street team.