
Robot Royale Board Game

Created by East Street Games

This is the Robot Royale backer kit to enable you to purchase additional add-ons, pay for postage and finalise your orders.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Mob Sitters - The next game from East Street Games
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 03, 2019 at 05:27:44 AM

Dear Robot Royale Backers,

We were so happy to have all of your help to launch our very first board game! We have had some great comments from people since the launch and pleased to hear people are still enjoying it and showing the game to more and more people.

Right now, we have just launched our 2nd Kickstarter campaign for:

 Mob Sitters: The fun party game of babysitting for the mob!

In Mob Sitters, you take on the role of a babysitter working for the mob. Just because crime pays the bills doesn’t mean these mobsters don’t have families! You’re no ordinary babysitter though, otherwise you wouldn’t be mixed up with the mob.

You’ve got plans of your own – whether it’s stealing from your boss, ratting out your rivals to the cops, or actually just some innocent babysitting, there’s money to be made here!

  • 3-8 Players
  • 8+
  • 20-30 Minutes

Mob Sitters has had overwhelmingly positive comments and feedback and we can't wait to see this game come to life. You can back the game for as little as £22 or you can pledge for The Mobster reward level which includes the Heavy Mob Expansion!

Check out the game and pledge today!

The East Street Games Team

Robot Royale Kickstarter is officially complete
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 03, 2019 at 09:24:07 PM

Dear Backers,

We are proud to say that our Kickstarter has come to an end and that all backers should have received all their rewards. If you are still awaiting a part of your KS then please email us to let us know. Those that pledged for the painted robots should have received these by now or have already been emailed about details in regards to collection.

Here are just some photos from the journey over the past 16 months...

Paul demonstrating the game to some keen individuals at the press preview event of UKGE 2018
Paul demonstrating the game to some keen individuals at the press preview event of UKGE 2018

Shortly after UK Games Expo we sent out a handful of prototype copies of the game to various individuals and business's to garner interest and generate some reviews for the Kickstarter.

Excited to have a prototype out in the wild!
Excited to have a prototype out in the wild!

We had a number of different samples received from manufactures and some let downs meant this delayed parts of the project. Thankfully though we can say we are very proud of the quality of the final product and we hope all your backers and future customers are too!

Our first look at what was very close to the final components to the game
Our first look at what was very close to the final components to the game
Some of the games rolling off the assembly line
Some of the games rolling off the assembly line

Backers being able pick up their pledges from The Ludoquist was a surprisingly great way to get the games out to some of our backers. Being able to collect your copy when you were local (for Free!) was something we will consider doing more in the future. We just hope to find a better way to label it this time instead of having your address bizarrely set to Antartica! 

Robot Royale ready for collection from The Ludoquist for dozens of backers!
Robot Royale ready for collection from The Ludoquist for dozens of backers!

At our most recent show, UNCON in Broadstairs, it was the first time we were selling Robot Royale to the public. It felt strange to say we had already sold a few hundred copies on Kickstarter when a lot of the time we didn't physically handle them! It's a very rewarding feeling to be at a show and selling directly to customers and seeing their reactions to the finished product.

Excited to sell Robot Royale at UNCON 5.0
Excited to sell Robot Royale at UNCON 5.0

Why not rate us on

We have had lots of great feedback from some of you from various social channels. It really makes the experience worthwhile knowing that players all over the world are enjoying the game. There is one thing that would really help us out more than anything and that is rating the game on Board Game Geek!

If you can spare 2 minutes to rate us and leave a comment, we would be eternally grateful!

What next for East Street Games?

As some of you may have seen in our previous updates we mentioned we are working on other games we hope to bring to the Tabletop. Our next major game is Mob Sitters.

We are going to launch this game on Kickstarter later this year and can't wait to show it off. If you want to be notified when it goes live you can sign up to our newsletter here: 

UKGE 2019

You can try out Mob Sitters at our stand at the UK Games Expo!
You can try out Mob Sitters at our stand at the UK Games Expo!

We will be attending UK Games Expo this year and will be revealing our stand number on our social media pages soon! Look out for that and come join us to try the games out or have a chat!


Once again, a massive thank you to all our backers.

The East Street Games Team!

We are shipping! Robot Royale has landed!
about 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 10:29:04 AM

It is official. Robot Royale is now shipping to you!

Collection from The Ludoquist, Croydon!

If you have selected to pick up your pledge from The Ludoquist these are available  to collect now! Simply visit the Ludoquist and go to the bar and say you are there to collect your Robot Royale pledge! Please bring a image/screenshot/printout of your backerkit order so we can verify it's you.

All other pledges!

Your pledges are now currently starting to dispatch and you should expect to receive your order shortly. Depending on your location.

Pledges containing Painted Robots

We have had a delay of the painted miniatures. We will hold all orders with these until they are completed. Orders that were due to be delivered to The Ludoquist for pickup are available to pick up now (minus the painted robots). We will update you when these are available to pickup at a later date.


We look forward to seeing you guys playing the game and we are so thankful for your help and funding our first board game!!!

All our love!

The East Street Games Team

Cardboard Chits/Tokens are here! Shipping commencing soon!
about 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 10:07:39 AM

Dear Backers,

We are excited to share that we now have all the components completed for Robot Royale. We received the shipment of cardboard tokens and chits on Monday and our team have been sorting these into game boxes. 

All the boxes!!!
All the boxes!!!
Some of the many hundreds of game tiles!
Some of the many hundreds of game tiles!

Shipping addresses have now been locked!

As we approach the fulfillment process we advised you to update your addresses prior to addresses being locked. Thank you for taking a second the check your address and we look forward to getting the game out to you!

At this point we cannot guarantee that if you contact us with an address that we can change it however we endeavor to forward this on to your distribution centre and hope that it can be corrected.


Just a small update for today but nonetheless an important one! We will post another update very soon regarding when we start to ship out the games.

Kind regards,

The East Street Games Team

Shipping Update
about 5 years ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 08:16:47 AM

Dear Backers,

We are excited to announce that very soon we will commence shipping. We currently have the last remaining element due to be delivered to the UK early next week. With a few days sorting and packing we will be ready to start shipping out your games!

We aim to keep people informed over the shipping process, however our distribution centre has experience dealing with vast quantities of orders and estimates the fulfillment process to be very quick!


Final Warning - Confirm your shipping address is correct

We are soon going to be handing over the pledge fulfillment details to our distributor who will then send out your packages. Please make sure that you address is correct in the Backerkit, before we lock the addresses over the weekend!

You have until midnight (GMT) of Friday the 8th of March to update your address.


Not moved since you confirmed your order on backer kit?

Not to worry! Your order details will still be correct and you will not need to make any amendments.

How long will shipping take?

UK based orders should take 3-5 working days.

EU Orders will be approximately 3-7 days depending on the weight of your final order.

USA/Canada/Overseas will vary between 7-14 days depending on your location.

Picking up from The Ludoquist in Croydon?

We will release more information very soon regarding when you can collect your order from The Ludoquist. However it won't hurt to have your confirmation email from Backerkit handy when you come to pick up your order.